Kerala Floods: Honda is the Next Automaker to Expand Support to its Customers

by Mohammed Burman | 04/09/2018
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Honda Cars India will provide discounts on service and spare parts to its customers who are affected by the unexpected heavy rain and floods in Kerala.

Honda Cars India Ltd. (HCIL) will provide 50% and 10% discount on labour and parts, respectively for customers who are liable for overhaul of Honda flood-damaged vehicles. Qualified service advisors and technicians will be always ready to help the customers.

HCLI is also going to offer an supplementary Exchange support to damaged cars of both customers who bought cars from Honda and who did not. Honda India is also planning to build a quicker roadside assistance network and modernize the supply of important spare parts to maximize the speed and simplicity of the assistance.

Besides the regular services offered at the dealerships, Honda also provides flood-affected customers with special discounts

All of these special supports are supplementary to the regular services at Honda dealerships.

Mr. Rajesh Goel, Sr. Vice President & Director, Sales and Marketing, Honda Cars India Ltd. said:

“Honda Cars India Ltd expresses its solidarity with the people of Kerala as they try to rebuild their lives after the devastating floods. As a measure of our support to our customers in Kerala, whose vehicles have been damaged by flood waters, we will offer full sales and service support to them. Special teams of service advisors and technical experts have been set-up to coordinate insurance claim and repair. These pro-active measures will significantly reduce lead-time for various services and repair."

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