How to claim insurance for car accident in India?

by IndianAuto Team | 28/08/2018
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Even the most cautious drivers can be involved in an accident. However, since having a car crash is certifiably not a typical event, you may overlook the things you should and shouldn't do in case you're in an accident. Here are some actions you can take to ensure you can file a car insurance claim after such events.

Car accident insurance claims start with road traffic accident or streetcar crash. We can simply define a car accident, also known as a “traffic collision,” or a “motor vehicle accident,” as a strike or a collision between one motor vehicle with another vehicle, a stationary object, a pedestrian, or an animal. Some auto accidents only cause property damage, others actually result in severe injuries or even death. 

You have just had a car accident

Accidents can be of different nature, for different reasons as well as different factors. Moreover, accidents can be extremely unpleasant and cause your headache since they have a negative effect on your driving record and insurance. Such annoyances can make it difficult to think clearly and react properly. What's more, if there are injuries, the pressure can be amplified. 

Keep a clear head, it can help you get through this unfortunate experience

It is when a clear head and quick actions become extremely essential. First, don’t panic, keep calm and call the police. Next, take the following actions to ensure you can file a car insurance claim after such events.

1. Observe and take note 

Look around and write down or record all the details that you can notice at the accident scene. This information will help a lot when you have to give your full description of the accident to the police officer.

2. Gather information about the other party

Ask for license plate number; make, model and color of the vehicle and the insurance details of the other driver. You should also ask if the driver is the vehicle owner or not. Those things will help you when you are required to fill the insurance claim form.

3. Look for witnesses

Communicate with witnesses, if any. It is useful to gather the names, addresses and phone numbers of those who are at the accident scene, such onlookers sometimes can identify the cause of the accident. 

4. Take photos

Use whatever you have, your cell phone, tablet, iPad, camera, etc., to capture the accident scene and damage to all vehicles. Those pictures will certainly be important evidence for your claim because they prove that you are guilty or not and whether the accident is a consequence of the carelessness of the other party. 

5. Collect the case number

If there are police at the site, ask them for the accident case number, if a case is registered. Additionally, you can ask the officer where you can get a copy of the police report. 

6. Check for injury

In the event that you are injured in the accident, the nature of the injury must be recorded. Calm down and go to the nearest hospital to get treated and diagnosed by a doctor.

7. Check expenses

Keep track of all things you have to pay for as a result of the accident.

Remember the time frame. Bear in mind the time and date when the accident has occurred and check for the time frame because since the victim has to file the claim within a certain amount of time. Your insurer or car agent will help you with the claim procedure, so contact them as soon as possible. 

You ought to follow some strict rules in the case of a road accident

It is widely agreed that a car insurance claim is a pretty tricky job. However, it is not troublesome if you comprehend the essential pointers listed above. Just relax, you don’t need to rush to document your claim. Anyway, it is advisable to consider the damage level. If the loss is on the higher side, file the claim. However, if it is nominal and almost close to the excess you need to pay, then avoid claiming in exchange for discounts your company may offer in the renewal. You can always look for counselling from a specialist, they often give good advice to the affected party. 

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