Tips for more efficient fuel consumption

by IndianAuto Team | 28/08/2018
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The following is a few tips regarding running your car efficiently and save a hoard from it. Stick with it and you’re good to go

1. Drive less (or more like making plans to drive efficiently)

Ok! I know it sounds very silly and impractical but bear with me here. Chances are you may not know that each time of starting, a vehicle burns up a certain amount of fuel to warm up the engine. It may not sound much for every single drive being alone but, together they add up to a significant amount of petrol being wasted futilely. Best advice is to run all the errands in one drive (shopping, picking or dropping off family members) if no unexpected tasks come up.

Best advice is to run all the errands in one drive (shopping, picking or dropping off family members) if no unexpected tasks come up

2. Keep the windows shut 

And if your car happens to be incorporated with sunroof, have it closed as well. The thing is this has a lot to do with aerodynamics - the study dealing with properties of moving air, and especially of the interaction between the air and solid bodies moving through it. In layman’s terms, the aerodynamic design requires closed windows and sunroof to help the car as a whole spoil adverse wind force which drags the vehicle behind and causes excess fuel waste. 

The aerodynamic design requires closed windows and sunroof to help the car as a whole spoil adverse wind force which drags the vehicle behind

3. Get rid of the rooftop box

If you’re not on a vacation, or you’re not travelling to any place for skiing, remove the ski box on the car’s roof. This container has loads of weight and will definitely increase a terrible amount of rolling drag for the whole car. It is very simple and doesn’t take much time to install and uninstall the ski box, but if you don’t feel like engaging in the manual job, ask for help from a nearby garage.

It is very simple and doesn’t take much time to install and uninstall the ski box

4. Never stuff your boot with unnecessary luggage

This is likely not common knowledge but your car burns up more gas to carry around heavier cargo. The same reason for ridding your automobile of roof rack or ski box – they create more rolling drag to win over. So if you are under no obligation to bring about a huge load of gear and stuff, do your car and yourself a favour by leaving them behind.

Do your car and yourself a favour by leaving unnecessary things behind

5. If you can handle the heat, switch off the A/C

This piece of advice most applies when it’s winter. Though having the A/C on helps tackle with built-up steam on windows when it gets cold outside, it costs you quite a bit of petrol to maintain such mist-free state for the windows, and in some cases you can actually make do with windscreen wipers. 

It costs you quite a bit of petrol to maintain such mist-free state for the windows with the A/C on

6. Maintain a stable and average speed

You are urged to get to the place as soon as possible and tempted to increase the speed, but if it is not necessary, take your time and enjoy the trip. Since sudden changes of speed make the car use up more fuel, it’s best to drive at a steady and normal speed.

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