3 Points To Remember To Have A Comfortable And Safe Driving Experience

by Chandrutpal Kashyap | 31/01/2021
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Not many drivers put a second thought when placing themselves in the driver's seat of a new car. We have got these 3 easy tips you should keep in mind to have a safe and stress free drive.

What is the first thing you usually do when you place yourself in the driver’s seat of a brand-new car? Not many would answer by saying they set up the proper driving position for themselves. Many drivers don’t think twice about setting their own driving positions, which can lead to problems. Drivers who are short and can barely see above the dashboard end up driving with their chests nearly pressed against the steering wheel. Some drivers prefer to drive in a relaxed manner with one arm resting on the window and the arm gripping the top of the steering wheel. These driving positions are a strict no-no and one should understand the difference between being comfortable and not knowing the basics of driving. Here are three things you should keep in mind when you’re behind the steering wheel. 


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Keeping things level

It is imperative that the steering wheel should always be pointed towards your chest, with its top-level with your shoulder. If your steering has height adjustment, use it to get the correct position.

Stay comfortable and unstressed

With the first rule in mind and your back firmly against the seat, extend your arms and check if your wrists sit on top of the steering wheel in a comfortable manner. Your limbs should be in a slightly bent position to avoid extra strain on them when driving. Overextending your limbs or sitting too close to the wheel limits the range of your motions as well, which hampers the ability to suddenly change direction or step on a different pedal. If your vehicle has adjustable reach for the steering, getting into the perfect position becomes easier.


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Maintain 'natural' driving movements.

When you’re shifting gears in a manual car, only the foot should move during using the accelerator or brakes. You should flex the heel and not the knee, as doing the latter will strain the leg and tire you out faster. Keep in mind to maintain a natural and comfortable grip on the steering wheel with your hands in the three and nine o’clock position. Also, remember to not cross your arms while manoeuvering tight turns.

Remembering the above three rules will help you enjoy a comfortable, stress-free and safe driving experience.