What to do when your car is stolen?

by IndianAuto Team | 22/09/2018
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Your car can be stolen no matter it’s new or old, cheap or expensive. How to handle those undesired situations? This article tells you what to do if a thief steal your car.

It is really frustrating when your car suddenly disappears. Who dares to take it away without your permission? Your wife, your friend, your brother or your sister? For the worst case, it is a crazy thief who is interested in your vehicle and decides to borrow it for some … years. What to do now? It’s not time to go nuts. Keep a clear head and follow the below instructions to make sure you can detect your stolen auto as soon as possible.

1. Report the case

You should contact the police right after finding your car stolen

Someone needs to know about your mishap. Apart from your friends and your family, report your case to the police immediately. Announcing your stolen vehicle to the local authority is absolutely necessary because it will increase the possibility of finding your car. In the event that the thief uses your stolen auto to commit a crime, this will guarantee you're not the one who is responsible for such criminal act.

Before filing a report for the police, ensure you can give all information about your missing auto, regularly including the brand, model and color of the car, the license plate, the location where you last parked your car, tracking devices installed on the car and so on. Those details will help the police locate your auto.

Also read:

>>> How to prevent cars from being stolen in India

2. Check security cameras

You can get a clear image of the thief thanks to security cameras

You should watch the footage of security cameras in nearby areas to see who the thief is or if there is any trace to follow. If your car is stolen at your garage, check the security camera at your home. If it disappears in public places, check for cameras in driveway, stores or buildings near your parking lot. Those videos are the best way to find your stolen auto. Checking the recordings helps you see pictures of the auto thief, how he has broken into your car as well as which direction he has followed. With these information, the probability of finding your stolen auto will be higher.

3. List your car as stolen

List your car as a stolen item in a public database, for example, "Stolen Vehicle India". If the thief sells the whole car or the engine, the potential purchaser may realize that it is a stolen vehicle and report the seller. Luckily, you might track and locate your car through this database.

4. Ask local garages, vehicle shops or flea markets

Your stolen car might be selling on a second-hand car market

Some petty thieves may be desperate for money, so they will sell the car for anyone at any price. The thief might visit some local garages or vehicle shops to sell your vehicle. The flea market is also a great place for thieves to sell stolen goods.

5. Check auto e-commerce websites

If the auto thief lists your auto on the Internet, you can detect your stolen auto on some e-commerce websites such as Click.in, eBay, Craigslist, etc. In case your auto’s parts have been separated, discovering who is having them could help you recover your car. Once you find parts from your stolen auto, call the police before contacting the seller. Auto thieves are so dangerous that you should not deal with them alone. Ask for help from the police to safely recover your stolen auto.

6. Contact car insurance company

One more thing to do is contacting your insurance agency when your auto gets stolen. If you buy a comprehensive car insurance coverage, the insurance agency can pay the "auto stolen" insurance for you. In case you get your stolen vehicle back after receiving the insurance, contact your insurance agency because the auto has already become an asset of the insurance agency. However, you can negotiate and purchase the auto from the insurance firm.

It is really frustrating when your car suddenly disappears. Who dares to take it away without your permission? Your wife, your friend, your brother or your sister? For the worst case, it is a crazy thief who is interested in your vehicle and decides to borrow it for some … years. What to do now? It’s not time to go nuts. Keep a clear head and follow the below instructions to make sure you can detect your stolen auto as soon as possible.

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