How To Find A Good Deal For A New Car?

by IndianAuto Team | 28/10/2018
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How to buy a car at the lowest possible cost? Here are the tips to arrange a good deal when purchasing a new car.

Purchasing a car is never easy. There are too many different cars and financing options to consider. In order to buy a car at a good price, you should follow the tips below.

1. Research carefully before going to the dealer

Let knowledge be your friend

You should research the car you want to buy before going to the showroom. Besides the brand, model and price of the car, you should choose in advance the colour, engine parameters or even the cabin size of your future car. Many car salesmen are new employees, while others have to sell multiple vehicles at the same time, so they can not remember every detail of each car. If you show that you know more than the salesperson himself, you immediately get the advantage. Furthermore, confidence is the key to the success of every negotiation. Keep your head high, ask for a cup of coffee and talk comfortably to the salesperson.

2. Negotiate directly with the manager instead of the salesperson

Salespeople are only the intermediary between the customer and the store manager. If possible, ask to meet the manager as this is the person who can decide the discount without losing much of your time. The manager can also provide more useful information if you intend to buy another car in the future.

3. Do not buy additional warranty packages

Consider warranty packages carefully

Additional warranty packages are more profitable for car dealer than customers. Auto dealers earn a lot of money from maintenance packages, warranty packages, wear and tear. Some agents even discount the package to convince customers to buy one. In fact, most cars come with a standard warranty package so additional warranty packages are unnecessary. Therefore, you should not be tricked by the discounted price of this warranty because it only benefits the dealers.

4. Do not be tempted by extra features

Additional features of the car are tools to help dealers make more profit. Most options such as Bluetooth or sunroof are the standard features available in each vehicle. However, some additional features such as seat cooler or steering wheel heating are very expensive and rarely used. So do not let the agents fool you with features you do not need. Meanwhile, many car manufacturers and dealers offer discounts on less-select models. You should consider these models if you want the lowest possible price.

5. Always pay less than what you can afford

Spend your money wisely

In the first talk, the agent will always ask you about the price you can pay for your car. This is the easiest way for salespeople to understand your needs and guide you in their direction. If you say the amount you are willing to pay for the car, the seller will probably introduce you cars they are willing to sell at or below that price. If you want to find a better deal, one of the best tactics for you in this situation is to answer in an unclear manner, for example:

- I need the lowest price you can give.

- What is the best price for this model?

- Let me refer to your rates first, then I will consider my budget.

If you have to say the price, it's wise to look for an advertisement and tell the salesperson your desired price is 10% to 20% lower than the advertised price.

6. Choose a fuel-efficient car

Last but not least, mileage and fuel economy are important factors when buying a new car. A car may be cheap at first, but it can cost you a lot of money on fuel in the long run. Therefore, you should consider the fuel economy of your car before purchasing.

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