How to sell cars online in India

by IndianAuto Team | 26/09/2018
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Putting used cars on sale on the Internet has some clear advantages over other means, such as the amount of information that can be included, the speed of reaching potential customers, convenience for sellers, etc.

India’s auto market is growing tremendously at an unprecedented speed, and a very important part of the automarket is used car market. This market is expanding fast and it offers opportunities for many enterprises as well as individuals to buy and sell used cars. Nonetheless, a huge market sometimes means that there is an ocean of information that may drown a potential customer. So, if you have any plan to put your used car on sale, in order to attract as many potential buyers as possible, it is important to ensure that you employ the best channels to post your listing and include accurate and relevant information of your cars in ads. In case you are a busy person (which we bet you are one), it is recommended that you use online platforms to sell your car for ease, convenience, and comfort, and let the site does most of the jobs of connecting with you and potential buyers. However, to make sure your offering stands out in a crowd of various deals, there are some tips you can follow.

1. Find the value of your car

Before you decide on where to put your car on sale and how much it would resell for, it is recommended that you have your car evaluated beforehand to know its resale value to avoid the situation in which you either sell the car for less than its worth or put up the ads and nobody is interested as the price is outrageous. Fortunately, you do not need to bring your car to somewhere to have this done, and you can do the evaluation online at the comfort of your own home. At the moment, a lot of car evaluation websites are available. You have to give them information about your car such as make, model, year, mileage, etc., then the websites would estimate fair market value of pretty much any used cars based on the given details.

Use car evaluation website to estimate its resale value

2. Have your car inspected by professionals

One major reason why most people are hesitant to purchase a used car is because of safety reason, so you should have your car inspected by professionals to guarantee the potential buyers that the vehicle is secured and well taken care of, and to boost your chance of resale. You need not worry about where to have your car checked out because most car dealers and repair shops offer the inspection service. You may be charged quite a bit for the inspection and possible repair works, but you should not skip this step, as an unbiased third-party report is very convincing and appealing to potential customers. Such report also makes the trading process easier and maintains a certain level of satisfaction and trust between the seller and buyer. You can see the inspection as a double estimation of the car value so that you are able to come up with the most suitable price.

Have your car inspected by professionals to gain more credentials

3. Choose the right ads

Now after you have decided on the resale price, it is time to move onto the most important part of the resale process: creating an advertisement for your offer. In a sea of used car offerings, having an ad with real photos of your vehicle can set you apart from competitors with similar deals. First, you need to find a space with few people passing by to take some photos from various angles of your car. Then, go online to look for some useful keywords to put in your ad. After that is a crucial step: deciding on which ad package is the most suitable for your used car and your budget. Doing some research to find out which website and advertisement is the best way to sell your used car fast. Some factors to take into consideration when choosing an ad package is what information you want to include in the advertisement, who do you want to reach, etc.

Create an advertisement for your offering to make it stand out

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