Signs of Corona Infection That Drivers Often Ignore

by IndianAuto Team | 27/03/2020
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Coronavirus symptoms and flu symptoms share similar traits; however, the coronavirus delivers more severe harms during later phases including failure of the respiratory system when leaving untreated. Read the article to check for the most common symptoms of the SAR-CoV-2 that drivers often ignore.

Coronavirus has not only caused the death of thousands of people but also had negative impacts on human life. Without significant prevention and careful protection, the number of infected cases may increase rapidly. The Coronavirus types and common flu viruses share similar traits like easily spreading, but coronavirus symptoms are more severe in terms of harming the human respiratory system, spreading speed, and no vaccine has been available to prevent the former.

Also, because the COVID-19 silently began to spread in middle of flu seasons, many people experience flu-like symptoms caused by SARS-CoV-2 and often neglect the severity, and when their lungs are gradually destroyed, there is a slight chance that they might survive; even worse, they can definitely spread the virus to other people unconsciously.

What is SAR-CoV-2?

To lower the risk or to know when to have a medical check, IndianAuto would like to provide drivers useful information about the signs of coronavirus infection or symptoms that are likely to be ignored. Plus, simple tips to keep yourself safe when driving around will also be briefly covered in this article.

Coronavirus symptoms drivers should take note

Because COVID-19 and influenza have some similar characteristics, the most common symptoms that an infected person will likely experience include

  1. Fever

  2. Tiredness

  3. Dry cough

The most common symptoms of coronavirus

Those symptoms are usually mild and start gradually. In a few cases, infected individuals might not develop any symptoms at all, and they even have normal health. Drivers often experience unwellness after a workday or driving for a long time. They may use pain relievers to reduce the discomfort and it soon has an effect, which leads to uncertainty if one is infected or not during the COVID-19 outbreak. Moreover, they can spread the virus to others through direct contact. Therefore, it is advisable for anyone who has such above symptoms to isolate or quarantine themself for at least 14 days. When the symptoms are getting worse, and patients develop difficult breathing, it’s time for them to seek medical attention. Because we don’t know whether the person is positive with the coronavirus or not, and the cost to test is not cheap, it’s better to self-quarantine and seek for special treatments when the symptoms become clear.

*Note: in rare cases, infected people might get muscle aches, sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, or diarrhea.

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What to do if you think you might experience such symptoms?

If you meet a person at risk with COVID-19 and you think you might be infected, you should self-quarantine for 14 days to know whether you’re having the virus inside you. However, don’t worry much! Because many people will recover with the help of their immune system. Even if you’re infected, there are great chances that you can heal yourself. The purpose of self-quarantine is to prevent the contagion of SARS-CoV-2 and to let you have some spare time doing things you like. When you’re isolating yourself, try to boost your immune system whether you're infected or not because this helps your health in different ways.  However, during your self-quarantine, seek for medical treatments immediately at times you suffer from fever, cough, and difficulty breathing and don’t wait for your immune system to fight off itself. Moving to an officially restricted quarantine area for treatment by the Indian government can help you recover faster and prevent the virus from infecting other people. Many reports show that people who got the coronavirus refuse to self-quarantine made authorities have to quarantine a large area around the place they live.

Self-quarantine yourself if you meet a person at risk of COVID-19.

If you’re infected, try to consume vegetables and fruits as they are recommended for supplying sufficient vitamins and minerals for your body. In case you’re anorexic because your body is draining all the resources to fight off the coronavirus (or a flu virus, we cannot know without testing), you must try to eat enough and drink a lot of water to supplement the loss of resources. Doctors and nurses will enthusiastically help you by providing correct medications according to one's severity. You may be allowed to use pain killers or some sort of medicines to help ease the symptoms so that the issue of anorexia can be reduced a bit and you can eat some. If you can get through the disease by yourself, congratulations! If you start to develop difficulty breathing, seek medical treatments immediately because you are likely to be infected and the coronavirus is killing your lungs.

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Yet, don’t be so anxious!

Nevertheless, again, worry not! Only around 1 of every 6 patients who get COVID-19 turns seriously ill and develops difficulty breathing. Furthermore, those with underlying health problems such as heart issues, diabetes, or high blood pressure, and older people have more chances to develop serious illnesses. If an infected person is treated properly, he or she will recover; however, if anyone falls among the 20% of unlucky patients, doctors will try their best to save lives. The real problem of the Coronavirus is its spreading speed and the ability to damage the lungs when a patient suffers from serious symptoms. It can exist for quite a long period of time ambiently and it may last up to 9 days on unsanitized surfaces. And recent researches show that air pollution can greatly increase the severity of the coronavirus symptoms. Therefore, people living in cities should be careful when going out. Drivers should pay attention to the above Coronavirus symptoms and remember to sanitize when touching things.

How to Protect Yourself against COVID-19.

The Indian government has implemented the nationwide knockdown for several days with a view to preventing the Coronavirus spread; therefore, do not go out if this is something really necessary. If everyone properly follows official instructions, India can be the first country to win over the disease. The Coronavirus may have succeeded in messing up everyone’s daily lives, but with careful prevention, protection, and treatments, it can be stopped. Medical employees are trying their best to help the infected, so anyone who may experience the above-mentioned coronavirus symptoms should not ignore for the sake of his/herself and other people. During your spare time, stay tuned and check out IndianAuto websites for hot news and tips for drivers.